Fuck knows why but AHAHAHAH! YES MATE!!!!!!! this is brilliant!!!
Fuck knows why but AHAHAHAH! YES MATE!!!!!!! this is brilliant!!!
AAHHHHH YEEEEAH! You know it is!
Ok fairly standard game but what pissed me off is that on one level I found an alternate way to solve the puzzle and it worked every time but still came up with "fail" I mean the proper way to do it was quite obvious but these kinda games are supposed to encourage free thinking not linear boredom
Played the demo of this game, thought it was abit crap but this looks alot better other than the obvious animation flaws and stuff I thought the point could have been made in a less cheesey way, kinda looks like someone got given a topic and had to do something on it. Something a tad more subtle would have really got people thinking, but i love a good political statement so nice one!
You slimey no good son of a gun! Nice one dude hahaha
What do you mean, you don't like RPS? Oh dear!
Really, though, thanks for reviewing!
Different endings for different choices would be cooler I played the game 3 times over looking for one other than that... nice
Got up to 304 (I know its sad) but it got me thinking that pretty much every mediocre game is just action>repeat over and over so this is really a stripped down version of I dunno, bejeweled, some platformers, just take away progression, graphics and some of their mechanics and you get this. I actually didn't find this that boring as I said 304 till I decided there was no more point playing a game that could go on for an infinite amount of time any longer but cool concept and 5 stars for the uhhmm kinda fuck you thing you have going on
Nice one, original!
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I like how the medals anagram out into "from nothing" so cool
I recognize the music... good game btw
Got the music from a royalty free music site.. Music making isn't my cup of tea.. Added his site on the side, Thanks!
Joined on 12/1/12